
Grade 2

Welcome to Grade 2! Your child continues to build on experiences from Kindergarten and Grade 1. As students more easily decode text, they continue to work on fluency and expression during oral reading. Additionally, students focus on comprehension of stories as they explore them from different perspectives and connected to various genres. Students also write for different purposes as they continue to choose topics in our writing workshop. Second graders make sense of math as they count coins, learn about shapes, and explore place value. The children also explore various aspects of science as they study matter, nutrition, soil, and plants. In Social Studies, students explore current events through the use of Scholastic News. Additional topics include friendship, cooperation, and citizenship. It is an exciting year of learning together!



Classlink - Single sign-on for multiple links and resources

-readings, videos, and pictures on various nonfiction topics (username/password required)

Lexia Learning(username/password required)

Raz-Kids - reading at various levels (username/password required)

Spelling City - spelling and vocabulary games and tests
Typing Club - Keyboarding Practice (password required)

Epic! Reading - For use in school only (password required.) Fiction and Non-fiction books online

Free Rice - practice fact fluency and vocabulary, and feed the hungry of the world as you work


Dreambox Learning - access our school log-in page

Cool Math
- various math skill games

Interactive Math Websites and Apps for Kids- document listing and describing various interactive math resources

IXL- math/language arts practice

XtraMath - math fact practice (username/password required)

Prodigy Game - A role-playing adventure that uses math to power your spells Turtle Academy - LOGO emulator for practice at home
Free Rice
- practice fact fluency and vocabulary, and feed the hungry of the world as you work


Library Catalog (Destiny) - online access to Griswold School catalog

BrainPop - entertaining and educational videos and quizzes (username/password required) Noodle Tools - citation assistant for bibliographies Google Translate - translate audio and text from one language to another Celestial White Noise - play to calm your mind and improve focus

Grade 2

Marie Whitehouse

Nicole Arsenault

Mallory Burrill

Cynthia Argazzi

Elizabeth Geary

Mrs. Whitehouse's Website