
Grade 3

Welcome to Grade 3! As students begin to explore reading in depth, they look for meaning across texts and begin asking themselves questions to help them gain a better understanding. Reading becomes more personal and independent. They study nonfiction, fictional narrative, mysteries, and biographies. The volume of their writing begins to increase as they focus on many different genres in Writing Workshop. Students continue to learn the conventions of writing and consistently applying them to daily writing. They use problem solving as they explore multiplication, fractions, place value, measurement, and data in Math. In Science, they learn about properties of matter, plant and animal adaptations, recycling, and rocks and minerals. In Social Studies, students learn map skills, continents, and oceans. It is a year of learning and fun!



Classlink - Single sign-on for multiple links and resources

PebbleGo - readings, videos, and pictures on various nonfiction topics (username/password required)

Lexia Learning - technology-based reading skill program (username/password required)

Raz-Kids - reading at various levels (username/password required)

Spelling City - spelling and vocabulary games and tests

TrueFlix  - social studies and science reading and resources

Typing Club - Keyboarding Practice (password required)

Epic! Reading - For use in school only (password required.) Fiction and Non-fiction books online

Free Rice - practice fact fluency and vocabulary, and feed the hungry of the world as you work


Dreambox Learning - access our school log-in page

Cool Math - various math skill games

Interactive Math Websites and Apps for Kids document listing and describing various interactive math resources

IXL - math/language arts practice

XtraMath - math fact practice (username/password required)

Prodigy Game - A role-playing adventure that uses math to power your spells Turtle Academy - LOGO emulator for practice at home
Free Rice
- practice fact fluency and vocabulary, and feed the hungry of the world as you work


Library Catalog (Destiny) - online access to Griswold School catalog

BrainPop - entertaining and educational videos and quizzes (username/password required) Noodle Tools - citation assistant for bibliographies Google Translate - translate audio and text from one language to another Celestial White Noise - play to calm your mind and improve focus

Grade 3 Team

Dawn Primo

Lisa Wasylean

Rhiannon Scioscio

Claire Cloukey

Mrs. Wasylean's Website